Location: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi
Dr RR Mantri

Heart Transplant


Heart Transplant

Heart transplantation stands as a pivotal surgical intervention employed to replace a diseased or damaged heart with a healthy organ from a donor. This intricate procedure becomes the treatment of choice for individuals grappling with end-stage heart failure or severe heart conditions that prove resistant to alternative therapies.

The complexity and specialization inherent in heart transplantation necessitate its execution in hospitals or transplant centers with extensive experience in this field. Dr. RR Mantri, an esteemed cardiologist in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, brings a wealth of expertise to this highly sophisticated procedure. His commitment to advanced cardiac care ensures that patients undergoing heart transplantation receive meticulous monitoring and care, both pre-operatively and post-operatively, ensuring the best possible outcomes for this life-changing intervention.

Under the watchful eye of Dr. RR Mantri, individuals embarking on the journey of heart transplantation at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital benefit from a comprehensive approach to their health. The hospital's commitment to excellence in cardiac care, coupled with Dr. Mantri's proficiency, reinforces the success of heart transplantation as a viable and effective solution for those facing critical heart conditions. The collaborative efforts of skilled medical professionals, state-of-the-art facilities, and compassionate care at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital set the stage for optimal outcomes in this intricate surgical endeavor.


Take control of your heart health today - book an appointment with a qualified best cardiologist at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and start your journey towards a healthy heart."