Location: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi
Dr RR Mantri

Role of exercise in maintaining heart health

By : Dr RR Mantri   on : 01st May 2023

Role of exercise in maintaining heart health

Exercise is an essential component of maintaining heart health, and incorporating regular physical activity into your daily routine can help reduce your risk of heart disease. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of exercise for heart health, recommended types and amounts of exercise, and precautions to take when starting an exercise program.

Benefits of exercise for heart health

Regular physical activity can help reduce your risk of developing heart disease by improving heart health, reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and improving circulation. Exercise can also help manage other risk factors for heart disease, such as obesity and diabetes.

Exercise can improve heart health by strengthening the heart muscle, making it more efficient at pumping blood throughout the body. This increased efficiency can lead to a lower resting heart rate and lower blood pressure, which can reduce the workload on the heart and decrease the risk of heart disease.

Recommended types and amounts of exercise

The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week for adults. This can include activities such as brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, or dancing.

Strength training exercises that target major muscle groups should also be included in the exercise routine at least twice per week. Stretching exercises can also be beneficial for flexibility and range of motion.

It is important to start an exercise program slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise. This can help prevent injury and allow the body to adapt to the physical demands of exercise.

Precautions to take when starting an exercise program

Before starting an exercise program, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have existing health conditions or are new to exercise. Your healthcare provider can help determine what type of exercise is safe for you and recommend any precautions you should take.

It is also important to listen to your body and avoid overexertion, as pushing yourself too hard can increase the risk of injury or other health complications. Warming up and cooling down before and after exercise can help prevent injury and improve overall performance

Exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining heart health, and incorporating regular physical activity into your daily routine can help reduce your risk of heart disease. By following recommended exercise guidelines, starting an exercise program slowly, and taking necessary precautions, you can improve your heart health and overall well-being.


Take control of your heart health today - book an appointment with a qualified best cardiologist at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and start your journey towards a healthy heart."